Cancer compensation

Cancer compensation

Compensation for injured workers and mesothelioma

In this issue of the Canadian Respiratory Journal, the article by Payne and Pichora ( a ) (pages 148-152 ), on claims for mesothelioma in Ontario between 1980 and 2002, disturbed me. The authors compared these requests to the number of cases of mesothelioma diagnosed according to the Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR). The method was relatively simple, as it was to compare two solid databases. To check consistency, the authors have paralleled all claims for occupational cancer and data from the ROC, they found a concordance rate of 86% and 93% between mesothelioma claims honored and the references to the ROC. Among the subjects compensated for mesothelioma, about 85% had diagnosed appropriate for the ROC.

Alternatively, an average of about 35% of mesothelioma patients had a claim over the 22 years covered by the study. Claim rates have gradually increased from 20% to 30% and 43%, during the period of 22 years. The complaints were mostly made for men (peak 57% of cases of mesothelioma), and for subjects 50 to 59 years rather than older subjects, although most cases of mesothelioma registered in ROC involved individuals over 60 years.
Cancer compensation

These results were unpleasantly surprised me. Mesothelioma is a disease distinct, caused by exposure to asbestos in the vast majority of cases ( 2 ). One could argue that in men, mesothelioma is almost by definition, a marker of exposure to asbestos usually, usually work related. Although it can occur in contexts other than work-related exposure, mesothelioma affects, supporting evidence, people who were exposed to asbestos either because they live near mines or industries that use it, either, because they are exposed to the clothes of asbestos workers, often women in this case ( 2 ). It is recognized that since the 1960s, of all occupational lung diseases, mesothelioma is one of the most clearly associated with a specific agent and not to other factors related to lifestyle. It is precisely this piece of information that motivated and Pichora Payne ( 1 ) to research on mesothelioma. They expressed concern at the sight of evidence that the compensation claims for occupational disease were generally low, and they believed that mesothelioma could be an excellent test case because of its particular etiology.
How does one explain this low rate of compensation claims? It is amazing that the majority of mesothelioma patients have not been exposed to asbestos, while the workplace is the main source of such exposure. Many patients who did not complain to necessarily have been exposed to asbestos. One possible reason to explain the few complaints is that people with mesothelioma have a extremely short life expectancy, so it is often very little to compensate. In reality, compensation may be paid to survivors, and I suspect that few mesothelioma patients leave their heirs a legacy well stocked. This bias in survival could explain that the claims were higher after pre-retirement, although the window 20 to 40 years between exposure, and the development of mesothelioma makes it much more likely the occurrence of the disease after retirement.
I believe, like the authors, only part of the answer lies in the results recorded in Lambton County, Ontario. I do not know where is this county, but I think there were a shipyard or other asbestos-related industries at a time. Regardless, the incidence of mesothelioma in Lambton County is about four times higher than the provincial average and 77% of these mesothelioma patients have addressed a claim for work injury. Clearly, there is much more familiar than elsewhere with the problems of asbestos in Lambton County and, in my opinion, this fact can be explained largely by the involvement of the medical community. Doctors Lambton County had heard the message about mesothelioma, and this is what should other doctors. It is encouraging to learn that several provinces have or are about to make mesothelioma a notifiables disease, thereby notifying doctors that their patients are suffering from a disease that gives most likely entitled to compensation for accident of work.
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Malignant cancers

Malignant cancers

Malignant pleural mesothelioma: biology and diagnostic

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is increasing concern about cancer incidence and poor prognosis, although real progress in caring for patients. The diagnosis is usually made on the modern stage, when radical treatment is no longer available. It undergoes a significant increase in survival in MPM, including the early diagnosis of the disease. Biologically, a number of potential tumor markers soluble, including mesothelia and osteopontin, have been proposed to assist the diagnosis, but none have been approved to date. Mesothelin, measured in blood and pleural fluid appears to be the most interesting candidate. However, although this marker has a decent symptomatic and prognostic importance, its high specificity for the subtype of epithelioid mesothelioma (most often) restricts its use in practice. Other molecules are somewhat interesting, sometimes, despite good sensitivity, especially because of their low diagnostic specificity. Finally, available data do not argue for routine use in biology in the diagnosis of MPM, thoracoscopy, and the remaining histology verified. We must continue our search and evaluation of soluble mesothelia tumor markers in clinical trials.
Malignant cancers

Another malignant pleural mesothelioma breast cancer: biology and diagnosis
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a serious issue because of the increasing incidence and poor prognosis of its in the world although the real improvement of disease management. The majority of patients are diagnosed late throughout the disease, when treatment is the more radical variant of this year. Earlier this year, it was necessary to significantly increase survival of patients diagnosed with MPM. Some of the soluble markers, including soluble Mesothelin, and osteopontin, have been proposed previously calculated for any diagnosis of MPM has not been approved yet. Soluble Mesothelin, estimated blood and pleural effusion, it seems that the most promising candidate. However, even if he has a decent diagnostic and prognostic significance, it is quite a special epithelioid subtype, one of the most common mesothelioma, Malthus imitating its used in practice. Although sometimes a good sensitivity, etc., as possible marker's osteopontin has a low specificity because of the diagnosis of MPM is a little interesting. In conclusion, the present data do not justify the routine use of biology for MPM diagnosis does suggest the need for continued evaluation of soluble Mesothelin injustement to clinical studies and the search for potential tumor markers other.
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Asbestos exposure and cancer

Asbestos exposure and cancer

Professional sector, which includes exposure to asbestos mining and use of asbestos because of its properties.
  • The extraction unit
  • Isolation (in the building, manufacturing of industrial furnaces for heat and cold production equipment yards) and isolation (fireproofing products containing asbestos is prohibited since 1977)
  • The use of asbestos in thermal protection (gloves, aprons, beads, blankets ...) in various industries: shipbuilding, steel, foundry, glass manufacturing and construction.

Those who have worked directly with asbestos or asbestos products, but the greatest risk of developing mesothelioma, mesothelioma has been reported that some individuals who have minimal exposure.
Asbestos exposure and cancer

Occupations with a high risk of developing mesothelioma cancer:
  • Joinery iron
  • Builders of the chassis of the car
  • plumbers
  • gas technician
  • Carpenters
  • electricians
  • Workers in the building
  • Masons
  • developers
  • DIYers
  • The steel
  • Artists
  • Sheet Metal Workers
  • Welders
 Since the ban on importation and manufacture of materials containing asbestos(Decree 96-1133, 24/12/1996), the interference of the site materials containing asbestos is a major problem, especially with all the professionals (asbestos removal) .
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Consequences of cancer Mesothelioma

Consequences of cancer Mesothelioma

Although reported incidence rates have increased over the past twenty years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer.

The incidence is approximately one case per million inhabitants. For comparison, populations with high smoking rates can reach over a thousand lung cancer per million people.

Incidence of malignant mesothelioma currently reached a level of about 7 to 40 cases per 1 million people in Western industrialized countries, according to the size of the population in the last decades of exposure to asbestos.
It was initiated that the occurrence may reach 15 per 1 million inhabitants since in 2004.
Consequences of cancer Mesothelioma

It is predictable that the frequency continues to rise in further parts of the world. Mesothelioma occurs more regularly in men than in women and risk increases with age; however, this disease can transpire in men or women at any age.

It can be said that the epidemic of mesothelioma was found in three Turkish villages (Tuzkoy Sarehidir and Karain).

She is now responsible for 50% of deaths there.
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Cancer unknown primary

Cancer unknown primary

Cancer unknown to the public: mesothelioma (mesothelioma)

What is mesothelioma cancer?
Mesothelioma or mesothelioma is a rare and virulent cancer of the mesothelial surfaces of which affect the lining of the lungs (pleura), abdomen (peritoneum) or the lining around the heart (pericardium).

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to mineral fibers (asbestos, for example).
Some of them were exposed to their work, and secondly from other family members who are unwittingly fibers to the home on their work clothes or hair or skin.

The most common mesothelioma cancer is a result of exposure from 20 to 50 years or more.

Malignant mesothelioma rare cancer, starting with the Mesothelium, membrane that covers and protects most internal organs.
Cancer unknown primary

Mesothelium has two layers, one that surrounds the body itself, and other forms sac around it completely. A typically produces a small amount of fluid between these two layers, lubricant's movement of protected members.

When normal cells cannot find Management Mesothelium and spread quickly, they turn into mesothelioma.

Form of mesothelioma is the most common malignant pleural mesothelioma.
It occurs in the pleura, the lining of the lungs. Other forms of peritoneal mesothelioma, reaching the peritoneum lining the abdominal cavity and pericardial mesothelioma pericardium.

The emergence of this disease, sometimes referred to as asbestos cancer, this fiber is the main recognized risk factor for this cancer is not indicative of minimum exposure and medical treatments have limited influence life expectancy of patients, usually 12 to 18 months.

Real market for lawyers, mesothelioma cancer exists in the United States; certain keywords are present, such as mesothelioma lawyers, mesothelioma attorneys, mesothelioma treatments and mesothelioma also.

The initial signs found on clinical examination, chest pain, often associated with shortness of breath and recurrent pleural effusion, usually hemorrhagic. Latency between first exposure and the development of mesothelioma is seldom less than 20 years, eventually 30 to 40 years or more. There seems to be no threshold of exposure in relation to the risk of occurrence.

She described the case of pleural mesothelioma occurring in a family environment, close to workers exposed to asbestos; subjects are exposed to contamination of residential premises or during maintenance in dusty clothes.

Tobacco acts as a synergistic cofactor in the risk of developing mesothelioma.
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