What is pneumoconiosis

What is pneumoconiosis

If silicosis due to mining of coal is a disease endangered, it is not true for asbestosis linked to the inhalation of asbestos particles.

The pneumoconioses are frequent and severe illnesses to know well.

Pneumoconiosis is defined as non-cancerous lung disease caused by inhaling particles (mainly asbestos or silica dust). They are the second-leading cause of occupational diseases. The asbestos fibers or silica inhaled to affect fibrotic tissue in the lung and pleura (membrane surrounding the lungs). They are somehow trapped and persist almost indefinitely in these tissues without being eliminated.

Any respiratory problem in a person working or having worked in the areas of thermal insulation, the flocking, cement, brake linings and clutches should suggest a pathology related to the inhalation of asbestos particles. For silica, it is found in the glass industry, ceramics (sanitary, tiles), the manufacture of refractory bricks, abrasives, in foundries. A declaration of occupational disease is made ​​by the patient with her ​​health insurance, accompanied by a certificate in triplicate. The medical officer will then call upon experts in the College of pneumoconiosis or Three Doctors. If recognition of the disease, an employee's compensation is possible.
What is pneumoconiosis

When to consult
These diseases are characterized by shortness of breath (dyspnea), or even no symptoms.

The examinations are based on auscultation of the lungs, the chest X-ray and lung function tests to assess the impairment of respiratory function. This examination is done by blowing into various measuring air flows.

Treatments are mainly based on prevention in the workplace (wearing masks, pollution controls, risk information ...). In mines and quarries, radiographs and pulmonary function tests are done as routine.