Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos Exposure

Exposure and asbestos cancer:

Professional sectors that led to exposure to asbestos related units of extraction, and industrial use of asbestos because of its properties.

The extraction units
The manufacture of asbestos-based materials: cement manufacturing, textiles asbestos, etc..
Insulation (in the building, in the manufacture of industrial furnaces in the manufacture of thermal and refrigeration equipment in the yards) and insulation (with the spraying-of-products contain asbestos banned since(1977))

The make use of asbestos as a safeguard against heat (aprons, gloves, blankets, rope ...) in various industries: shipbuilding, steel, foundry, glass manufacturing, building industry, etc..

Individuals who have worked in a straight line with asbestos products or asbestos at the furthermost risk of emergent mesothelioma, nevertheless, mesothelioma has been state in various individuals who have had nominal exposure.

Occupations at high-risk for emergent mesothelioma cancer:
Asbestos Exposure

Carpenter inthe field of iron
The builders of the VehicleChassis
Gas installations
The carpenters
Workers in the building
Contractors in the construction
Manufacturers of steel
Sheet-metal workers

In view of the fact that the ban of importance manufacture and marketing of materials containing asbestos (Decree 96-1133), (24/12/1996) is the intervention of the materials in place containing asbestos which is the major concern, especially for all building professionals (asbestos removal work).