Cancer glossary

Cancer glossary


Hematopoiesis manufacturing process of the various constituents known blood (red and white cells, platelets) primarily in the bone marrow.

Hemolytic due to the destruction of red blood cells.

Heterozygous II is used when the two chromosomes of a parire are in the same location, two dissimilar genes.
Histocompatibility compatibility between tissues or organs from a donor and a recipient. This compatibility depends on the genetic heritage of both.

For histological tissue composition under the microscope.

(HLA System) system for determining the compatibility of donor and recipient white blood cells, platelets, and organs. It ensures the survival of cells transfused or transplanted and success of transfusion or transplant. The HLA system marks the character of everyone, the monitors and defends against external aggression.

Hormones Chemicals produced by certain glands of the body, carried by blood to the organs or tissues they stimulate or inhibit development.

Hypermetabolisms large amount of chemical changes that occur in the body.

Hyper-lymphocytosis B blood benign disease characterized by abnormalities in the production of B lymphocytes.

Hyper-B lymphocytosis identified chronic increase in the number of B cells but is not accompanied by any symptoms, and as such, may not truly be considered a leukemia.

Hormonal hypersecretion pancreatic hormone production in excess of charge, including hypoglycemia, diabetes or bowel dysfunction.

Falling rate of hypoglycemia blood sugar (glucose) can cause discomfort and even coma.
The pituitary small Endocrine glands located at the base of the brain. It exerts a regulatory action on other endocrine glands.

Jaundice (or yellowing) yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes (sometimes with dark urine, pale stools and itchy skin). These signs are associated with dermal deposition and mucosal components of bile, which due to obstruction of the bile duct (alternatively alternatively of liver dysfunction), cannot be evacuated. They then pass into the bloodstream and are responsible for the yellow color.

Immunosuppression (treatment) Treatment that reduces or eliminates the immunological reactions of the body block the immune system. This treatment, also called immunosuppressive therapy, is used in unrelated marrow and organ transplants to prevent rejection.
Cancer glossary

Immunosuppressant that brings down the body's immune defenses.

Immunoglobulin antibodies play an important role in host defense against aggression.

Immunological study of immune system reactions to the introduction of foreign agents. By extension, all the reactions of the organism cope with infectious agents and cancers.

Interstitial implant radioactive source implanted directly into the tumor.

Intracavitary radioactive source implanted implanted in a body cavity.

Impotence inability to have an erection.

Incidence number of new cases of disease per annum.

Incontinence, inability to hold urine in the bladder.

Undifferentiated (Cancer) cancer cells which no longer resemble (morphology, size, function) to the normal cell.

Induction (treatment) Intensive treatment that uses very heavy chemotherapy. Induction therapy can be used either for treating cancer, either in order to destroy the white blood cells of the patient to practice allograft.

Inguinal located in the groin.

Instillation Action poured or injects a liquid drip.

Intravesical instillation of drug deposition in the bladder.

Insulin hypoglycemic hormone involved in regulating blood sugar.

Insulinoma tumor developed in the tissues of the endocrine pancreas.

Isotopes of chemical elements having the same atomic number (same number of protons) but with different masses (different numbers of neutrons).

Isthmus narrow part of a region or organ.

Piece of muscle or flap of skin taken for breast reconstruction.

Leukemia cancer manifested by an uncontrolled proliferation of blood cells.

Leukoplakia chronic condition that affects the mucous membranes, usually at the mouth. It is characterized by white patches. In some cases, they can lead to cancer.

LHRH (initials: luteinising hormone releasing hormone) hormone ensuring control of sex hormones in men and women.

Lineage cell population derived from a single cell.

Natural breast lobe segmentation: each breast has 15 to 20 lobes.

(Lymphatic system) all tissues and organs, including bone marrow, spleen, thymus, tonsils and lymph nodes, that produce and hoard the cells that fight infection (lymphocytes). The network carrying the lymph node is one.

Colorless liquid lymph bathing the tissues and cells containing protecting the body against infections.

Accumulation of lymph lymphedema in a limb, following the removal or engorgement of the lymph nodes.

Lymphoma cancer of the lymph.

Kahler's disease cancer of plasma cells, normally located in the bone marrow. It is also called multiple myeloma.

Recklinghausen disease inherited disease characterized by spots "late" of the skin and multiple tumors affecting particularly the peripheral nerves and spinal meninges, and skin. The disease progression is slow and, at an advanced stage, damage internal organs and bones may occur.

Von Hippel-Lindau Hereditary that drives the development of various tumors in the pancreas, adrenals, kidneys, central nervous system and retina.

Waldenström disease proliferation of plasma cells responsible for purpura hyperglobulinémique reaching particularly women.

Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy preventive removal of both breasts.

Mammography X-ray image of the breast.

Tumor marker detectable substance in the body, including abnormally high assay indicates the presence of cancer.

Mastectomy Surgical removal of the breast (mastectomy also called).

Mea urinary opening of the urinary tract (urethra).

Pertaining to medullary bone marrow.

Melanoma tumor after a melanocyte (or pigment) of the epidermis.

Menopausal hormonal changes leading to termination of rules.

Mesothelioma tumor of the pleura, the membrane around the lungs.

All metabolic biochemical transformations and physicochemical that occur in all body tissues and experienced by constituents of living matter.

Metabolite's substances formed during metabolism.

Metastasize migrates from an initial focus to another area of the body.

Metastatic tumor cells found away from the initial outbreak.

Metastases in transit metastases found mainly in melanoma, characterized by nodules on the skin.

Mucositis mucosal inflammatory reaction caused by certain treatments.

Multifocal which has several homes.

Mutagenic agent who can induce mutations.

Mutation and random change in the final structure of DNA that can, in some cases, change the function of a gene and prevent it from functioning normally.

Myelogram examination to indicate the respective proportions of the different cellular elements of bone marrow.